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John 6:63 [63]It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. The reason many Christians despite being born again and inheriting salvation still suffer many failures and draw back in this life is because they do not react to the word of God as they should. Some simply treat it as encouragement for sad moments or something good to look at in a nice season of your life. The word of God is much more, this written word gives us the now word of God. The way of faith is present and continuous, hence when you read the scriptures you can adjust your life to that word. When the scripture speaks of kings coming to the brightness of your rising, you start to behave as one that attracts greatness. You violently take the truths written in scripture, the scripture says that those in Zion shall not say they are sick, refuse to actually say " I am sick" if the pain is too much atleast say that my body is in pain, but do not acquaint it to yourself because you are not your body. You should be the quickest in responding the word of God, in whichever way and that is what will make you. Further study Acts 20:32 John 6:68 Golden Nugget You should be the quickest in responding the word of God, in whichever way and that is what will make you. Prayer Loving father thank you for instructing us in how we should respond to your word that we may move circumspect knowing where we are going because we are directed by your word. It picks our deepest emotions to the glory of your name, Amen.

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