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Updated: Jun 9

Psalms 139:14-15 I thank you, High God your breathtaking!

Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. (MSG)

Thank God for this scripture. This is why and how you know that you are beautiful. This is how you know you are perfect the way you are. He could have made a mistake if he was in a rush, maybe ! But in your physical formation he watched bit by bit and formed you. He took time on you. You are not a mistake.

This does not only end physically, spiritually too. God produced you from the purest substance and person ever. Himself. Don't you wonder why His spirit gives birth to you? This is simply because he had to make sure you are a carrier of his DNA. He had to ensure you in sonship. This is why your salvation can never be taken. He has you.

God is too zealous for you. You are perfect in every way to Him. Yes you have your faults but he saw them and still chose you. You are not surprising him with your madness. He knew it and still said, I El Shaddai, I Jehovah, I Nissi, I your God choose you.

Your boldness is not in any man or woman Its in the Lord our righteousness.

Weare conformed to his image. So do not mind the imperfections. God chose you.

News flash, even if you were taller, white or whatever, to him it would make no difference. He wants you that way physically and with all your imperfections. He will perfect them on the way

You are dangerously loved by God.

Further study

Hebrews 10:35

Golden Nugget

You are marvelously made by God. You are to the world a wonder. He is intentional about you.


Father God, thank you for being deliberate about me. Thank you for making me in your image. I am secure in your love and zeal for me With this knowledge and understanding, I live and move.


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