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Many men have tried relying on one another but at a point they get disappointed. But we should not get disappointed when such happens because it is the nature of man.

The best to rely on is not your friends nor your loved ones, but the almighty God. God will not only stay with you in your golden moments but in your dark ones as well. God our father is not like men who leave when things get tuff.

The Bible says I take you as you are so you do not need to first purify yourself to come in His presence. He takes you as you are. Unlike men who will criticize God will show you His unconditional love.

Drawing closer to many people's views. Some people usually ask how comes God doesn't listen to me? The bible talks about faith in Hebrews 11: 1-4. People usually pray without the faith to get a result or an answer because God responds to faith not just to words, Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. Where does this bring us

You cannot expect results if you are not sure it will happen. It's like reading a classwork book just for just not knowing whether you will pass or fail. If you think you will fail or it won't work why read the book in the first place? When you want something pray! The only thing that will limit you is your imagination because God says I can give you more than you can imagine.

Once you carry that faith in the almighty not even the sky is the limit. If it is sickness meditate on the scripture "By His stripes we are healed" The sickness just has to go because of he faith you carry.

Going back to the point God always being there for you. Ill use Psalms 91 that talks about God's protection. Some people are faced with attacks from various things, But stand firm the devil is the author of confusion. The psalmist says in verse 14

He will save those who love Him and shall answer when they call Him for protection.

The Almighty has given you protection from all spirits that think they have control over you. He has given you everything that pertains to life and godliness. We are the heads and not the tails. There is no way anyone can be worried that God has forsaken them. He is always with you and in your midst. Always in your heart.

God only wants good for you since you are His child. Being His children we have the privilege of a life that's Christ like. From scripture and sermons we realize that the first people to be called Christians were called so because they were Christ like. Know your position in God and know that certain things as a child of God are already sorted.

When you pray to God know it is already sorted in His name. There is a reason why Peter says by His stripes we were healed. Its already happened it's an everlasting thing.

In conclusion, God is always with you. Revelations 3:20 says Behold I stand at the door and knock If anyone hears my voice and opens I shall come in dine with Him and Him with me. This brings that God is not away from you. Just Let Him in your heart and be willing to let Him take charge of your life.

Golden nugget

I take you as you are . Don't purify yourself come to me in my midst. He takes you as you are.

Scriptures mentioned

Revelations 3:20

Psalms 91:1-13, 13&17

Hebrews 11:1-2


Father we thank you for that you are always with us. May we let you in our hearts and take charge of our lives


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