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Proverbs 18:14 The strong spirit of a man sustains him in bodily pain or trouble, but a weak and broken spirit who can raise up or bear? (AMP)

It does not matter how dead your body is supposed to be. The heart pumping the kidneys, the liver are all good and very important. Though they are important, they are not the source of life. Your blood moving through your body is not the source of life. The source of your life is Christ in you.

Do not get me wrong. I do not mean to say your heart, lungs etc are useless no you need them but they are not the critical faculty of your life. These things were made they just appeared by something bigger. The word of God.

You have been born again of this word. So your spirit is a word being. That is why every time you see yourself as though in a mirror. You are a reflection of His word

So because you are born of God's spirit. Who feeds you. Pause and think on that deeply.

As God continues to feed you, you grow. you become fat on His word. So your spirit becomes strong. It begins to have power over your body. So in your spirit having power what does that mean?

Child of God, if you are sad, sick , tired, overwhelmed, in fear. If you are in the midst of catastrophe, it is well. Your spirit in you can sustain you. Feed on the word of God because therein lies the power to change your past, present and future

You are loved by God.

Further study

2 Corinthians 3:18 (MSG)

1 John 4:17

Golden nugget

Invest in your spirit man he will sustain you in all tests of life. Feed him on the word and prayer


Loving Father, thank you for being good to us and showing us that we can mature and strengthen our spirits to glorify you. We stand in the tests of life because our spirits are fed


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