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John 16:26 At that day ye shall ask in my name and I say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you

Jesus tells us that he no longer prays to the father for us. We pray to the father directly. So where is Jesus in the equation? Is he just a closing word, In the name of Jesus? No.

When the Bible tells us, infact when Jesus says we pray to the father through him, he simply means to say that it is in his nature and person that we approach the father.

Here is the mystery. God loves us and sought to have us who were sinful to enter into a relationship with him, So what he did, he gave his son to us that when it was all finished in terms of his birth and crucifixion, we could receive him who was given to us.

So when we receive the Christ in us and become children, Christ being the first born. We now have our fellowship with Papa God.

So the right way to pray is to God the father through Jesus Christ. We do not pray to Jesus and we do not pray to the Holy Spirit. Are they one and the same? Yes they are. He is El ohim. God the Holy Spirit, God the Son and God the Father. Yes he, is one God. So the son is not less, neither is the spirit.

But as we grow, God requires a specificity in our dealings with him. These three are one, but their function to you and with you are different. The Holy Spirit is your teacher. Well of course if you pray to Jesus God can answer but now that have been taught how to pray

he requires us to do so. God in a man's ignorance can still work but he requires us to mature.

Further study

John 16:23

Acts 17:30

Golden nugget

The correct way to pray is to the father through Jesus Christ.


Father we thank you for such a teaching. Thank you that we know how to pray so as to bear fruit that abides forever, in Jesus' name, amen

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