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Will You Stand For Christ

Psalms 2 vs 2

*The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel togeth- er, against the Lord, and against his anointed...*

The scripture above shows that Kings and Queens, as well as governments and all those in high places are plan- ning against Christ and his people. This is serious. If Christians are not busy fight- ing for their own corners, they’re fight- ing other Christians. Petty fights are the order of the day in some households, addiction to social media has taken over and sick moral failure is being nor- malised. Men and women of God are being taken for fools and this becomes fodder for comedians to feed on – it’s like one big joke but God is not smiling.

While our attention is on this craziness, darkness is gaining ground. Every- one seems so distracted instead of focusing on what really matters in this day - to stand for Christ and The Kingdom. We have people in high places pulling strings against the Church, but we seem to be completely oblivious to this attack.

We are living in perilous times. It’ll become harder to be a Christian and we need to learn to stick closer to each other more than ever - will you stand for your fellow brethren? Will you stand for Christ?


*I know who I am and I understand my purpose. I stand for Christianity. I stand for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I have dominion in my Nation over evil rulers. Christ shall prevail. The Gospel shall prevail, in Jesus Name!!!*


1 Peter 2:9

©Zoe Fellowship

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