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When Present and When Absent

_Neither would I seem to be overawing or frightening you with my letters; For they say, His letters are weighty and impressive and forceful and telling, but his personality and bodily presence are weak, and his speech and delivery are utterly contemptible (of no account). Let such people realize that what we say by letters when we are absent, [we put] also into deeds when we are present–

2 Corinthians 10:9‭-‬11 AMPC_

In the theme scripture the Apostle Paul is addressing the Corinthians who thought that the apostle was being too strict in the letters he sent them as compared to the way he acted when he was physically present with them.

And what was Paul's answer in this case? He is like what he is in the letter he is also when he is present. In this case we are being told that God is ever the same in whichever way He is revealed to you. The same God who appeared in a burning bush is the same God who appeared in the whirlwind and is the same God who parted the Red Sea.

In Paul's situation, the Corinthians in a way had their hearts hardened from receiving from him while he was sending them letters thinking that what he is when sending letters is different from when he was with them, which was in the long run familiarity.

This means that we as Christians should not just be open to learn when we are bodily present with the teacher. It's childish to just wait for church service to relate with God. What you are when absent must be what you are when present.

Further study :. Revelation 3:15-17


Father we thank you for this knowledge. We choose to follow you and believe to the very end. Thank you for what you are doing in our lives. To the Glory of your name.


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