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What Are You Seeking

Matthew 16:4

[4]A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.

Our theme scripture shows us that a wicked generation seeks after a sign. The generation is clearly looking for the wrong thing is what Jesus was saying.

He says the words that I speak they are spirit and they are life. Now why seek for something other than that; for in him all things consist.

This is why Jesus wept when he went to raise Lazarus. The word was so evidently set before them but they couldn't see the bread of life. To them he was only a shadow of God.

But Christ is not shadows. He is God himself.

The Bible says he is light and in him no shadow of turning. That means that when you truly seek God and alihn your heart to him, you can't fail because that's not the expected end he gives you. The end is to prosper you.

Ask yourself what am I seeking? Am I seeking the word? Or the approval of men.

This is one thing we saw in the old testament. When Aholah and Aholibah began to please their neighbors other than God. They didn't know what they had. The word of God is not mere excitement but this is the spirit of God himself.

Let us give the word it's due place.

Further study.

Ezekiel 23:5

John 6:63


Loving father I thank you for this word. The entrance of your word that has brought light in us. We seek for the things that matter, we hunger for your word which is not far from us. But we take it in sincerely.


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