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Updated: Aug 18, 2022

Ephesians 3:8

[8]Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, Is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ;

Paul says that he was given the grace to preach the *unsearchable* riches of Christ. So how can a man preach what he himself cannot search out. The Bible says that the spirit of God searches the deep things of God and reveals them to us. Hence there are things that cannot be found by a man seeking.

This does not diminish you from seeking, for men that seek are available to God for the things that are unsearchable because it's his spirit that reveals them to such men.

The Bible tells us that if any man is to speak let him do so as the oracle of God. That means you have to connect to the waters that are in you that are in God because the deep calleth unto the deep. So for a man to minister unsearchable things it means he himself has to be positioned right in order to speak the things that need to be spoken in the time they need to be spoken. Hence he translates logos into rhema.

So I like to liken this to a pipe. A pipe that God himself speaks through. You become a conduit of grace. Whereby whatever God is giving in the earth he first goes through you. Hence the oracle of the father.

*Further study*

1Corinthians 2:10(AMP)

1Peter 4:11(NLT)

*Golden Nugget*

For a man to minister unsearchable things it means he himself has to be positioned right in order to speak the things that need to be spoken in the time they need to be spoken. Hence he translates logos into rhema.


Lord Jesus thank you for this revelation that you have placed in my spirit I avail myself to the things that are unsearchable. I minister as one whom the lord speaks through. Not in frail human effort but with your spirit working deeply and intimately in and with me.


@zoe' devotional

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