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1 Corinthians 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you?

This passage of scripture is very interesting to me because God is simply asking us if we know. So this firstly is questioning where we stand in knowledge. Paul writes and says part of his call is to make men see these things. So he was given a grace to unveil mysteries and spiritual truths.

The Holy Spirit, our helper (Leading helper not submitted helper) He reveals to us things freely given by the father. Look at this. Paul's question is whether we know or we do not know.

Ignorance has too high a cost for you to pay Rather pay the price of knowledge than that of ignorance. So in light with our theme scripture. The reason some people give themselves over their own will to perversion such as fornication, smoking etc is because they do not know there bodies are the temple of God.

Look: what fills God's temple? His glory. He himself fills you and he wants you to be flooded with His very being, the question is do you know it?

I do not mean knowledge and saying the scripture. I mean have you conceived it in your heart as a reality. When you finally do. You allow him to work in you in ways no eye has seen .

Further study

Ephesians 3:8-9, 18-19

Golden nugget

When you finally realise that you are the temple of God, He starts to work mighty exploits through you as this becomes a continuous reality.


Father God, El Shadai we pray that as we come to this understanding daily we make manifest the things that be



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