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Watching In Prayer

Matthew 26:41

[41]Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

It is important that as a new creation in Christ you know how to watch in prayer. It is one thing to pray but it is another to watch.

The essence of watching is meditation. When you learn to meditate, your spirit watches.

So you're thence kept from affliction because you can hide yourself from it.

When you watch you can know how and what to study for before a big exam or decide on what job or course to take in education, simply because you're a carrier of the word and so if you carry the word the Bible says you carry the true judge.

If you watch in the spirit, even if a snake came and bit you then you're response would be to shake it off, not to cowar. Paul was a man who continually had the word of God going through his Spirit. He knew that if God told him, noone will die in this shipwreck, then a snake wouldn't be able to take his life. But just as the men who were next to Paul thought that he was actually being punished for his sin by God that's how a man who doesn't watch thinks.

Because he's let the things God spoke slip, he can't hold on to the sure word of prophesy which is the word of God. So literally when you meditate you learn to create and hold onto the things God speaks to you. That's why it's important to learn to meditate, because that's the essence of watching. It'll prompt you to pray and speak things in the times you must speak them. You start to respond to the leading of the holy ghost more effectively when you learn to keep your mind stayed on the Lord.


Further study

Isaiah 26:3

Hebrews 4:12


Loving father, thank you for teaching me how to watch, thank you for this wisdom. I apply it in my life diligently to your glory. Amen.

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