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[11] Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.

On the earth there are many different races of people, and different cultures traditionally. So, people have been divided by these differences for many years all through human history. The Bible says that all those differences are futile because Christ is all and in all. That means whether Hispanic, White, Black and so forth it does not matter one bit to heaven.

In the spirit realm you are not known as a black man, in the spirit realm you are known as one with Christ. You are known to be a child of God and that is your identity. So, tear off the shades of color from your eyes. Allow the spirit of God to fill you daily and shed the love of God abroad in your heart that the scales of segregation may fall off.

It will take time if you have hated a certain race for many years, he will need to soften your heart over time to make you understand that Christ is in all. This is what will take away all form of segregation.

We no longer regard any man in the flesh, even Jesus is not regarded in the flesh, no, we regard him in the spirit as he truly is the Christ of God. Allow God to give you a new lens from which you see life and people, see Christ in them and not their bodies.

Further study

2Corinthians 5:14-16

Acts 9:18

Golden Nugget

Allow God to give you a new lens from which you see life and people, see Christ in them and not their bodies.


Loving father, thank you for showing me that you are in all and for all, help me understand that no man is regarded according to the flesh but as they truly are in the spirit one with you. I give you my heart and allow you to break, mend and help me love like you do.

In Jesus' name amen.


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