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True Beauty

_Ecclesiastes 3:11_

_He hath made everything beautiful in his time ..._

It is estimated that the cosmetic surgery market will be worth nearly $44 billion by 2025. People all over the world are bombarded daily by advertisements for products and procedures that are supposed to make them more beau- tiful or handsome. Yet the beauty you seek is already inside you.

Your physical appearance may reflect your biological DNA, but your body is not the real you. The real you is born of God, the source of beauty and all things beautiful. It is impossible for Him to create or produce what He is not. He is altogether lovely. And when He cre- ated you in His own image, He made you just as beautiful as He is.

Our scripture for today assures us that God has made everything beau- tiful, including you. The word translated “beautiful” there is the Hebrew word yapheh, which means beautiful or handsome. So, this word ap- plies to both men and women. God has made you beautiful!

Do not allow yourself to be defined by the world’s fickle standards of ex- ternal beauty. Fixing up your outward appearance to look your physical best is fine. There is nothing wrong with that. But always remember, you are made perfectly, and there is no flaw in you. Look in the mirror and tell yourself you are the beautiful child of a beautiful God.


I am God’s unique creation, marvelous in the making. Everything about me reflects the excellence of His handiwork. I am the beautiful child of a beautiful God.


Isaiah 33:17; 1 John 4:7

© Zoe Devotional

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