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Acts 19:20

So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.

The Word of God is not for motivational speaking. It is for creating. The totality of what you declare is based on the amount of Word in you.

There is a difference between speaking and saying. “Speak” means the act of talking or uttering something. “Say” means to express thoughts through words. God’s thoughts come through His Word to you. When your mouth begins to utter what God says about you, that’s when you start to change your situation. The Word only works on the return journey.

The principle of God is to use what is inside to confront and change what is outside. You must have enough Word inside you to confront what is outside. Prayer (proseuchē) means what is in-

side is what comes out. You release the Word that you put inside, and it confronts what is outside.

Feed yourself with the Word and let the Word respond to your problems. Everything you need is wrapped up in the Word. When you get hold of it, keep saying it. Don’t stop talking about it. The Word of God that you keep saying will prevail over every negative symptom, circumstance, and situation in your life. Hallelujah!

©Zoe devotional

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