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Hebrews 12:2

[2]Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

The first word of the scripture is in the present continuous form in English. He says looking into Jesus, he doesn't say having once looked and known. That would imply that once you look once that is all that is needed for appropriating faith in the physical realm. In your walk with God on this earth faith is not a one time pill that you take. It is something that daily is added into you.

Scripture says that the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith. This is why it is important to daily meditate on your righteousness in Christ because it is revealed daily from faith to faith as you steadily hear God. We know that hearing itself comes by the word of God. So you just need to be by the word to hear. So as you are by the word and hear then faith is built up in you. In a nutshell the more you abide in the presence of God is the more you will hear him and the more you hear him is the more faith is stirred and built up in you.

This is what we mean by looking unto Jesus, we have access by him into the presence of God. You approach God's presence simply by grace. The Bible says come boldly to receive grace to help in time of need. How do you come boldly except if you have a Saviour. The Saviour Jesus is who brings you into the presence of God with boldness. He did not just begin this but he even accomplishes it. That's the way of faith, it is not found in any other except in Christ Jesus. So if you feel low on faith then all you need to do is simply look at your Saviour Jesus Christ.

In the message version it says go over that long litany of hostility he went through and that will shoot adrenaline into your souls.

You are blessed!

Further study

Hebrews 12:3 (MSB)

Romans 1:17

Golden Nugget

The saviour Jesus is who brings you into the presence of God with boldness. He did not just begin this but he even accomplishes it. That's the way of faith, it is not found in any other except in Christ Jesus. So if you feel low on faith then all you need to do is simply look at your saviour Jesus Christ.


Loving father, I thank you for this knowledge and insight into the way of faith. I surely stand by faith in Christ and my faith is daily increased because you are the God that daily loadeth me with benefits. I glorify your mighty name in Jesus Christ amen.


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