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Heb.11.1 Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]. (AMP) I love how the scripture says the conviction of their reality. The way of faith is interesting in a sense that it goes beyond how human beings see and define reality. Reality is not only what your physical eyes can see and touch. Look at the wind, we cannot see it neither can we touch it. That does not mean it is not real. Although we cannot see the wind, we can see what it does and we can feel it too. This is still in the physical sense of things although it has layers to it. So even when we get to the spiritual, you may not feel certain things or even their possibility may be totally nought in the physical realm. That does not qualify that they are impossible. The Bible says that with God all things are possible. He does not say some or most. He says all. That means even if you imagine the most outrageous and unimaginable things in life, they are still possible to the glory of God. Faith may never be something the world will agree with. The Bible says that if you were of the world then the world would welcome you. Now even faith itself is not of the world. It is an eternal experience that is manifested on the earth. Faith is manifested in a sense that when men see you they can tell you have faith because it is strange to the world. If a man puts ammonia in a place with fresh air, the very distinct smell of ammonia despite it's being colourless will stand out. So faith may not be seen with physical naked eyes but it can still be seen and felt in a place just as the wind is. So with boundless confidence behold the eternal things without the physical in sight. Keep your eyes on Christ and faith will be shot into your spirit. Further study. John 3:8 Matthew 19:26 Golden Nugget Faith may never be something the world will agree with. The Bible says that if you were of the world then the world would welcome you. Now even faith itself is not of the world. It is an eternal experience that is manifested on the earth. Prayer Loving father thank you for expounding to us the way of faith. Thank you for showing us that all things are possible with you. May we continually carry this boldness as we are taught of the holy ghost and behold it in the faith of Christ Jesus. Amen. zōē

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