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The Temple Of The Holy Spirit

1Cor.6.14 God honored the Master's body by raising it from the grave. He'll treat yours with the same resurrection power. (MSB)1Cor.6.19 Or didn't you realize that your body is a sacred place, the place of the Holy Spirit? Don't you see that you can't live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for? The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you. (MSB)

The Bible speaks of a man sinning against his own body, by bringing it to be one with that of an harlot( a prostitute).

Every other sin a man does isn't against the body, but fornication is; why!?

The scripture tells us the body isn't ours. It's not just a property that the spiritual part owns.

God owns the whole work, for we are his workmanship.

The Bible says he treats our bodies with the same resurrection power he treated Christ's body with, simply that means; even in our physical bodies God puts his life. The God kind of life.

Zoe in us. That means you have divine health, in this body. You have the very life of God functioning in this body.

Child of God, he's given you a treasure in an earthen vessel. The Bible speaks of vessels into honor and vessels unto dishonor. You're a vessel unto honor because you have God in you.

Apostle Grace speaks and says, every good work that God wants to do in your day and age, you're the vessel. You're carrying the next big advancement in human history.

You're God's arm on the earth, he's working in you to change this world.

Every spirit needs a body to function on the earth, that's the same with God's spirit. He needs you to function on the earth. If there's anyone he's going to use, it's you.

Regardless of your background, wealth, or anything. You're God's own.


*Further study*

Philippians 2:13

Hebrews 2:4


Loving father, thank you for your working in us, thank you for we continually grow and experience you, we are not the same, but we know we are you're body. We are honoring this body to serve you lord, glorifying you always.



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