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1 Thessalonians 5:17

[17]Pray without ceasing.

When the Bible tells us to pray without ceasing, if you interpret scripture and understand it pragmatically you will think that you need to pray 24hours everyday for your life in order to fulfill scripture. The truth is God expects you to fulfill your other responsibilities such as taking care of your family, reading your books for students, he expects you to eat food.

When Jesus said men ought to always pray and not to faint, he simply meant that you should pray every time the spirit of God nudges you to do so. We look at our forefathers, a man sits at the table with guests and the spirit convicts him to pray at that moment and he gets up then goes locks himself up and prays. That is what it means to pray always, you are always available when God needs you.

In Psalms we see how a man runs to the sanctuary of God in joy and that should be your experience that every time God calls you answer immediately, that is what constitutes for you praying always. This also means that you should have consistent hours of prayer in your life, you should have a continual fellowship that is growing with the Holy Spirit, not a one time knock off.

So in telling us to pray always, he is saying my children be consistent.

Further study

Psalms 100:2

Luke 18:1

Golden Nugget

You should build a consistent prayer life that is led by the Holy Spirit.


Loving father, I thank you for your message of grace that enables me to seek you, to pray consistently and hear your voice. My prayer life is not dry and my alter is on fire for your glory Jesus, amen.


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