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The Spirit of Eternal Life

Ezekiel 37:13-14 [13]and ye shall know that i am the lord, when i have opened your graves, o my people, and brought you up out of your graves, [14]and shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and i shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that i the lord have spoken it, and performed it, saith the lord. The bible in the new testament speaks of the spirit being the spirit of eternal life. this spirit that gives life to these bones is the same spirit which we in the new testament have received when we believed in christ as our lord and savior. Jesus walked on the earth for 30 years and he did not do many mighty things, but the moment he was filled with the holy spirit he began to walk in signs and wonders. that's when his ministry began truly. yes he was fully god in the flesh but the bible says he stripped himself of all honor that he may be like a man. so he stripped himself of all advantage. so he was like a man totally. fully god and fully man. This spirit by which he functioned on the earth in three years is the very same spirit that raised him from the dead. that spirit loosed the chains of death on our master jesus christ. death could not hold him because he went to hell with the spirit of eternal life. That spirit is the one that preached salvation to the souls in hell and raised the saints which were dead, it gave their dry bones muscles, sinews, hearts, brains, lungs. this same spirit lives inside of you. The day you gave your life to christ you were begotten of this spirit. he owns you and you're his very own. everywhere the spirit of god is there is life. direct him to your finances. direct that power in you to your family, your relationships, your health. The spirit of god is the spirit of eternal life. he's in you. constantly think on these all day every day. *Golden nugget* This spirit that gives life to these dry bones is the same Spirit which we in the new testament have received when we believed in Christ as our Lord and savior. Direct him to your finances, direct that power to your family, relationships, and health. _further study_ Romans 8:2(msg) Romans 8:11(amp) Hebrews 9:14(amp) *Prayer* Dear loving father, thank you for keeping me. thank you for sending jesus, thank you for giving me your eternal spirit by whom i live and move in this world. by whom i have access into the deepest realm of your presence. in jesus' name amen. @Zoé devotions

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