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The Power of Meditation

Ps.1.2 - Instead you thrill to GOD's Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. Ps.1.3 - You're a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month, Never dropping a leaf, always in blossom. The scripture tells us something powerful about meditation here. It tells us we thrill on the word of God. As you learn to think on the word of God find joy in it for the Bible says that with joy we draw from the wells of salvation. He says you thrill to this word, it has to be your direction. The word of God must give you joy. You must find joy in tbe word. Another thing he shows us is that when you learn to meditate in the word with joy, you start to always bear fruit in every season. You become as a tree planted in Eden and what we know about the trees in Eden is that these trees were ever flourishing. Nothing about them died. You have the Spirit of Life. The spirit of zōē (the God kind of life). Where he is there can be no death. So nothing about you can die when you learn to meditate. The reason nothing dies is because you have aligned your mind to the truth of God's word and because of that faith is springing out of you. Your conscience is purged and when it's purged it means even your expectation that you place on God is in his will for you. God does not cut your expectation short. It's important for you to meditate because by that you build an expectation which God honors. Hallelujah. Further study Jeremiah 29:11 Romans 12:2 Prayer Loving father, thank you for teaching me this principle and pattern to growing spiritually. Thank you for guiding me in how to think and realigning my mind today. I draw from the wells of salvation with joy and life is springing out to the glory of God. Amen.

@Zoé devotions

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