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The Power of confession

Romans 10:10 [10]For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. With your heart you believe unto righteousness that means you attain it once you believe on Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior. The power of confession is that it brings you salvation. It brings about what you have believed in your heart into manifestation. When you believe God that you are healed, declare it with your mouth. The same way you confessed with your mouth and believed once and for all that you are born again so confess the health you have believed. Paul says with this hope we speak in great plainness of speech. That means that because of your faith you can speak it forth. Some believers fear to speak what they have believed because they've not seen it manifest and because it's manifestation is not yet there physically they don't speak. Our speaking is not after the manifestation. Our plainness of speech comes after we have believed in the heart. That means that once you believe in your heart and speak it forth you are right. That's what brings forth the manifestation because the tongue carries power to give life or death. Speak your faith, your material. Not what the world says. Further study. 2Corinthians 4:13 2Corinthians 3:12 Golden Nugget When you believe God, declare it with your mouth. Speak your faith, not what the world says. Prayer. Lord, thank you for the assurance we have in your word. Thank you that love never fails and I am a child of love. I boldly declare your word in my life. I know who I am and I speak plainly this gospel which I have received. Amen.

Zoè devotions

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