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The Pillar Is Jesus

Matthew 7:24-28 (KJV)

This talks about the parable of the two builders. We are going to look at the theme;

Foundation in Jesus Christ. How strong are you in Christ. What is the possibility of standing incase of a storm? Get an answer for yourself. As we see in the above parable, Jesus was preaching to a great multitude of people. There was one builder who built on sand and another on rock. (where do you fall sand or rock?). A strong storm came and laid down the building on the sand and the one on the rock remained strong. Now you are on the Rock. And Jesus Christ is the Rock. You cant be shaken and neither can you be moved. Since you are on the strongest base ever. Sickness comes, sorrow, pain but when you have laid a good foundation in Christ everything shall go on well. Just let Jesus be your source of support. In every activity, every situation. Put Him first and he shall lead you the right way and shall run forth and clear the way for you. A person strongly rooted in Christ fears nothing, first of all sickness does not exist in his/her vocabulary, failure, bad luck, pain doesn't know them because of their source of support. Let us get into Jesus deeper and deeper. Pray to your very best. Its God and "YOU" so don't fear while praying. Let us serve Christ in truth and in spirit and win souls to Him. Lets get rooted and follow the command and the will of God because not everyone who says the name of the Lord shall enter the kingdom of God (Matthew 7:21ff)KJV. Lets get more into Him. We shouldn't rely on our physical strength or knowledge or wealth but on Jesus because He is an everlasting pillar, that can never get , destroyed and has no limits (Proverbs 3:1-6). Job was a very rich man, he lost everything, cattle, camels, all his wealth and children but he still trusted in God, the greatest pillar, and he was restored. Restoration was on its way during his time of trouble and Job gained more than he had before. This happened because God was his pillar and his support. You have a champion holding you. Let Him support you.


Father we thank you for being our strength and shield and that you are the pillar we lean on and rock we stand on. Take control of our lives and let us be yours


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