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The Identity Of A New Creation In Christ

Song.4.7 You're beautiful from head to toe, my dear love, beautiful beyond compare, absolutely flawless. (MSB)

When you give your life to Christ you become the righteousness of God, in Christ Jesus. That means you're of a new nature. You're totally made of something new. Paul says the old body of sin is destroyed that we may therefore not serve sin. He's not speaking of the physical body, but spiritual body.

The truth is when you got born again, you died. And God produced you again. A new man.

Our theme scripture tells us we're beautiful and beyond compare. That means there's nothing more special to God than the believer's spirit.

You cost Christ to God. He didn't give the earth or the universe for you. He gave Christ. The one who holds the universe itself.

So you may ask what if I do something wrong, am I still the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus?

Our theme scripture answers and the answer is yes. You are, your nature doesn't change. Paul gives an example and says when you were evil, and you did a good thing then that didn't make you good.

Your nature doesn't change. The Bible tells us you're in-between his two hands and no one can snatch you out of his hands. No-one, not even the worst sins listed in scripture.


Further study

Romans 8:35MSG

2Corinthians 5:17

Song of Solomon 4:2


Lord, thank you for loving us and giving up nations for us. You love me so dangerously. I yield to the working of your holy spirit in me. I thank you for I'm your son. Amen.

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