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The Heart of a Man

[Mark 7:21-23](TPT)

Evil originates from inside a person. Coming out of a human heart are evil schemes, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, treachery, debauchery, jealousy, slander, arrogance, and recklessness. All these corrupt things emerge from within and constantly pollute a person

Our scripture tells us that all corruption comes from within a man. Likewise incorruption can only be inside a man. You cannot be right with God based on what is outside.

You have to be incorruptible inside. The outside isn't what determines you but it is the inside.

Some people may be highly skilled to get jobs and so forth but they may not get them because on the inside of them something just isn't sufficient for the work.

That is why it's called an inter(view). They want to see what is inside of you. What are you carrying and not just what is happening outside because of the circumstances.

There are people who just move by the circumstances but not because it's what is in them. A known rapist may save a woman from being killed if he knows that when she dies he's going to be accused or framed. So the circumstances will push him to helping her but what is in him is actually sexual immorality.

Same with you child of God. If you're born again you're born of an incorruptible seed. The flesh may have it's weaknesses but we know that's not who you are. The real you is going to shine out. This is why you have to make sure you feed your spirit man. Make sure you grow him. This is why you fast to strengthen the inner man.

You're not defined by circumstances. You're defined by you're seed. Christ in you the hope of glory.

Further study.

1Peter 2:23

Romans 7:20-21


Father thank you for making me one with you. There's no distinction between us. You look at me and you see Christ. We see love in everything we do because you are working in us both to will and to do. I am one of the same with you and I show forth your glory everyday.


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