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2Corinthinthians 3:9 For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory

In the Old Testament we see men under the law work mighty exploits. Joshua stopped the sun. Men like Elisha who were not born again could be lifted into spiritual visions and carried into homes and bedrooms of enemy kings (2 Kings 6:12)

Moses' face shone. Axes floated. Aman sees water flow from an animal's jawbone

Two men chased an army. One man led a whole army blind. Many crazy things happened for these men. But!

The Bible says they are not perfect without us (Hebrews 11:40). Elijah needs your testimony for perfection. God kept something for you than He did Elijah. What is the difference between you and Elijah.

You are a new creature the Holy Spirit does not come occasionally. He is in you!

You can increase his work for you in your life or as some people do. Choke it (Ephesians 4:30)

Whatever they did was only on occasional visits of The Holy Spirit. You who is born again, he does not leave. He is your seal. So what is it exactly that we have that the men in the Old Covenant did not?

We are filled with the Holy Spirit and even before that we are born again. We are not normal men, we are children of the most High. Dare I say we are gods (Psalms 82:6)

Whatever they did back then you have to do and should do more. You who's reading ask yourself why you of all people are reading this. God is calling and inviting you to a deeper realm of function. As one general of God said


Further study

John 14:12

Acts 19:11-12

Golden Nugget

God is inviting you into more glory than those before you. He is saying THERE IS MORE


Father God, I thank you for filling us with your Holy Spirit. We carry epignosis (complete and perfect knowledge of things ethical and divine) because that is our inheritance. We live in you and do not leave. Amen


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