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Ezekiel 22:30

[30]And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.

In your growth in your walk with God, he will require you to stand in the gap for men. He will demand that you stand in the gap for men and pray for them. We have known the testimony of Elijah, he was the chariot and horseman of Israel. That is the authority from which he spoke into the destiny of Israel, he was their entire army. One man. Nowonder the man after him could strike a whole army with blindness and lead them through as trophies of victory.

When God is going to work something in the earth, he needs a body. He's set a principle that every seed needs a body and the seed is the word of God. (Luke 8:11). Many believers may think God will just use you to heal the sick, cast out devils and perform miracles. That is not it, he needs you to tarry in his presence and be there for people. When Jesus prayed, he prayed for you and I, he prayed for his twelve. That is why he says they have the bridegroom with them.

Jesus stood in the gap for you and I by his death. So God expects you to love men too as well enough to stand in for them, with all their weaknesses and their faults. He needs you to stand there in order for him to preserve them. A life lived for others is worthwhile. So as you stand in the gap, God will be able to preserve you because if you can take care of another's life, God will take care of yours.

Further study.

Luke 8:11

Proverbs 25:11

Golden Nugget

If you are faithful with keeping another man's life.

God will preserve yours.


Father God, thank you for this wisdom, I live for more than myself and I'm available to stand in the gap for men. Amen.


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