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Spiritual Warfare

1Tim.6.12 Run hard and fast in the faith. Seize the eternal life, the life you were called to, the life you so fervently embraced in the presence of so many witnesses. (MSB)

As a child of God many things will come to try to derail you from the purpose of God upon your life, but Paul tells us seize the eternal life the life to which you were called.

Eternal life being knowledge of God and Jesus whom he has sent. Lay hold to the knowledge of God.

Paul tells Timothy to war a warfare with the prophecies that went before him. With what God has spoken over your life, with this sure word of prophecy. Stand the test and fight.

Don't be weary. Scripture says they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. Waiting their literally means they that stick to what God has told or instructed them shall renew their strength.

The man fighting the good fight of faith is seen in the joy the man has even in the face of adversity. This joy comes only when you behold Jesus who himself is the fullness of joy.

It is by joy that you draw from the wells of salvation.

Further study.

John 17:3

Isaiah 12:3

Hebrews 12:2


Lord God thank you for enabling us to know how to draw from the wells of salvation. Thank you for we have much joy because thee the fullness of joy you're in us. We draw from the wells of salvation in joy. We know how to war a warfare and we behold the end in sight.


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