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1 Corinthians 6:19

[19]What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

You are built by default to be a man or woman of prayer. This is your nature. Even your physical body, the Bible is talking about your physical body when it speaks of the temple. The spirit man is one with God, but your body is His temple. Now if His temple be a house of prayer that means your body is a house of prayer. The devil is a liar and we are not unaware of his devices, his plan is simply to tell you otherwise about your nature.

The attack the devil wages on every Christian in this world is prayer. The devil cannot be comfortable when you pray. That is why in your body you may always feel tired or feel like you have prayed enough for one day or feel like you are bored in prayer. So when those emotions come they are lies by the devil. Imagine him making a cat to bark and he tries telling it that it is a dog. That is what it is like when the devil is telling you that you cannot pray. You have to understand that as you pray your body is maintained in health because that is what it was built for.

I read somewhere that a ship in the harbour is safe but that is not what ships are built for. You may live and go on with a prayerless life, but you are not built for that. You are handmade by God to pray. That is who you are. The moment you understand that you are called a house of prayer, you will easily push through in prayer because you will know the nature you carry.

Prayer is your default mode, switch to default today and pray. It is what will maintain your life. Give yourself to prayer, the perfect way.

Further study.

1Thessalonians 5:17

Luke 19:46

Golden Nugget

You may live and go on with a prayerless life, but you are not built for that. You are handmade by God to pray. That is who you are.


Loving father, thank you for teaching and establishing us in the perfect way of prayer for we know we are handmade by you to be dwellers in the presence. We thank you and glorify your name for this knowledge, amen.


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