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Num.20.8 Take the rod, and assemble the congregation, you and Aaron your brother, and tell the rock before their eyes to give forth its water, and you shall bring forth to them water out of the rock; so you shall give the congregation and their livestock drink. (AMP)

It was a clear instruction by God to Moses that he should speak to the rock and water comes out of it. Now much as we know that Moses went on to strike the rock and it still brought forth the results it was not in obedience to God's word. Sometimes a man may go so off the way of truth and start to behave himself contrary to sound doctrine but because of reputation and the anointing without he may still think that he is in the perfect will of the Father.

Even the people around him may not be able to do anything about it. When it comes to obedience, it is a personal place with God, because only you really know the instructions he has given you. Whether they are through a man, visions or dreams. In whatever way they may come, you should heed to the instructions of God.

This is why you should learn to live a life of asking God for the full understanding of what he has spoken to you. It is possible for him to instruct and you pick only a slight instruction from the fuller picture. So make sure you pray and fast in order to hear rightly and fully. When the understanding fully comes of what he has spoken, diligently and quickly adhere to it. No matter how inconveniencing and tiring it may be, if it is from God; be quick and not of a slothful spirit.

Further study.

Proverbs 16:10-11

Numbers 20:8-12

Golden Nugget

When it comes to obedience, it is a personal place with God, because only you really know the instructions he has given you.


Loving father, I thank you for teaching me this fundamental truth in your kingdom that I may learn to live a life of obedience in everything including my speech only to glorify your name. Amen.


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