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James 4: 6

But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.

In the realm of the spirit God has made it such that His grace flows at a low- er dimension such that it is those that choose to lower or humble themselves that find the grace of God working for them.

The Greek word translated as humble in that passage is tapeinos, which means low lying or of low degree. So, God has made this grace available to those who are not puffed up in spirit but those who put themselves at a low-lying position such that only those that lower themselves within that dimension can walk in that grace.

At that level life is sweet, this is the dimension where you live in houses you have not built, it seems as if life rewards for things you haven’t done. But remember to get into that dimension requires you to lower yourself don’t let pride hinder the blessing of God in your life today. Humble

yourself and He will lift you up hallelujah!


I am the God-Kind. I choose to humble myself in everything I do today, I am highly favoured for the grace of the Lord will see me through in the name of Jesus!


James 4: 10

©zoe devotional

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