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Making Men see

Ephesians 3:9 [9]And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: The word "to make" as used in this scripture is the same as "see" in the Greek. It means to shed rays, that means Paul is saying that his mandate is to shed rays on the hearts of men that they may be enlightened to the fellowship of the mystery. When the Bible says we are the light of the world God means it. You're supposed to cause men to see what it means to have communion with God. They're supposed to be provoked to read their bible, listen to sermons and attend fellowships. Our mandate is not to make ourselves gods for men but to make men seek God until they grow up into him in all things. That's why all the folds of ministry must teach. The prophet, pastor, Apostle, evangelist all must teach including the teacher they all must teach. Your life should be lived under stewardship of the holy spirit because when he leads you your path shines brighter and brighter and the brighter your path shines is the greater the glory on your life which attracts men that they may be saved because that's the end of God that they may be saved. When you seek God you're not doing it only for you. The man of God Apostle Grace says you're more than a vessel. You're the very express image of God in the flesh. The bible says let your light shine before men. You're sought out. You must carry this consciousness as a child of God. You're not a slave to what men know but you're a servant of God and submitted to what God says. Further study. Romans 12:2 Proverbs 4:18 Golden Nugget You're supposed to cause men to see what it means to have communion with God. Our mandate is not to make ourselves gods for men but to make men seek God until they grow up into him in all things. Prayer. Loving father, thank you for putting yourself in me. Giving me external life that I know you and Jesus whom you have sent. God is in me fully and I see the length, breadth, depth and height of your love. Amen. Zoé devotions

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