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1Cor.13.8 Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end]. As for prophecy (the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose), it will be fulfilled and pass away; as for tongues, they will be destroyed and cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away [it will lose its value and be superseded by truth]. (AMP) God himself is love. He never fails, it's by love that we have been redeemed from death and the hold of the devil. We were once captives but we were made free by love. Jesus said that there's no greater love that a man has than laying down his life for his friends and that's what Jesus did. That's the greatest form of love that a man gives his life. There's no greater love than that as Jesus spoke of his sacrifice for us. Saints we have to realise that Jesus didn't die for good people. He didn't die for righteous people. He died for disgusting human beings like us who have the most evil of thoughts and intents in our hearts. You realise that love is what can make a sinner righteous. Love is what can get a man off of drugs. All you need to be free from that addition is an experience of the love of God. That's all you need. Seek for God to reveal his love for you. You'll understand why scripture says love never fails and it will be an experience. Tongues and prophesies will all pass and cease. Not that they're not good but they are not eternal, yet God who is love is eternal. Love is the only entity that exists in all realms of the spirit. Remember the scripture says he ascended that he may fill all things and this the scripture spoke of Jesus. Further study John 3:16 Ephesians 4:10 Golden Nugget Love is the only entity that exists in all realms of the spirit. Remember the scripture says he ascended that he may fill all things and this the scripture spoke of Jesus. Prayer. Loving father, we pray that we may know your love. We pray we may know you as we are known an we may behold clearly not in shadows. Amen. @zōē


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