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Living In The Word

Matthew 4:4; But He answered and said, “It is written man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”

In the theme scripture, Jesus is telling us that we cannot live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of God’s mouth. I want you to pay attention to the highlighted bit. The title says living by the word now Jesus says we live by every word that comes out of God’s mouth.

That is Christianity. Christianity is not just a religion it is a life we live and there is no other way to live this life but by the word. And the word that comes out of God’s mouth is all around us. We have the Bible that was inspired by God to be written and the books brought together. We have men of God who preach this word who are inspired by God and preach truth. This is the word that we live by it is the same word that gave the things around us life and made us.

And this word is alive through Jesus Christ. John 1:1 “In the beginning was the word the word was with God and the word was God” and He continues to say the word was made flesh which is Jesus Christ and Jesus Is alive soo the word is alive. There are many instances in the New Testament showing us that the word is alive.

Now as Christians let us live in the word, through the guidance of the helper given to us (The Holy Spirit) . Let us confess it in our hearts and in our mouths. Let us share it. Let us allow it to operate in our live because as we do we let Christ continue the work that He started in us.

Further Study: 2Timothy 3:16, Isaiah 55:10-11


Father we thank you for this word that you have given us and the effect it has in our lives


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