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Kairos-Beyond the limitations of Chronos

Ephesians 5:16

Redeeming the time, because the days are evil

Kairos (heavenly time) is the realm which God works and so should the Christian. God doesn't want us to do things according to chronos(earthly time) but according to kairos. He does not want us to operate according to earthly time, but according to spiritual time.

The Bible says in Romans 8:27-28 (AMP) that we being partners with God in our labour. That means that for us to be co-labourers with God calls for us to also be intimately and accurately acquainted with the workings of the kairos.

The Greek word used in the scripture for time is kairos not chronos. When you learn to do things in the kairos, you will not be limited by chronos, just like God is not limited by time and that the word can work for any man in any time who is ready to believe God.

God gave chronos to the world and kairos to the believer. When it comes to having any results concerning what you have believed, Its according to kairos. So as the world is increasingly being aquainted to chronos, believers on the other hand should be increasingly aquainted to the working of kairos.

Any Christian who doesn't understand the working of kairos will always limit God and also such a Christian will be limited by chronos. Some are only able to believe God to the level of what is compatible with chronos such as provisions. Its a truth infallible that faith creates time and time therefore does not create faith.

When the bible says in Romans 12:2 that do not be conformed to the standards of this world, it means do not be adapted and moved by its customs. In fact that scripture is more clear in the amplified version. So therefore you should not be conformed to chronos because chronos is for the world. Chronos comes with limitations and therefore one who is conformed to chronos will also be limited

Part of the secret of ruitfulnessis for you to be acquainted with the working of kairos. This is so because we bring forth fruit in a kairos.

I am always amazed at how Christ always performed a miracle in any chronos because He operated according to the kairos. When you learn to do everything in the kairos, you will not be limited

Dig deeper: Romans 12:2 AMP, Romans 8:28


Loving Father we thank you for this Truth. We cannot be limited by earthly time. We redeem the kairos. We bring forth fruit and our fruit remains. We operate in the kairos and everything responds to us as royalty in Jesus' name AMEN.

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