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1 Timothy 2:11

[11]Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

When many read this scripture they wonder, "is God sexist?" You can understand their concern because all through history in the scriptures many things have been patriarchal, but much as you can understand where these people are coming from they have refused to understand that even where we see mostly patriarchal organization among the children of Israel, women were needed and pivotal to fulfill God's vision.

Look throughout history, who hid the spies of Israel? It was a woman called Rahab. Jesus' grandmother. Look at Mary the one who anointed Jesus' feet, she connected to an eternal purpose and anointed him because when they were going to anoint him something in her knew that he would not be there in the grave to be anointed. She connected to God's eternal purpose.

Look God uses women. So the scripture saying women should be in subjection does not mean that women are underlooked and worth less honour.

The Bible is full of adages and figures of speech, it is not a literal book. So there must be something God is saying beyond the women being in subjection. Look Paul speaks of a mystery where the husband is Christ and the church is the bride. So when he speaks of a woman in the scriptures he is usually refering to us. Don't you see song of Solomon. Who do you think God is talking to in all these? He's talking to you and I, the church his bride.

So when he says the woman should be in subjection, look men marry wives not women. So if he calls you a woman it only presupposes that you are still young and have not come to full maturity yet. God is not sexist but he expects all of us to bear humble and teachable spirits that we may come to full maturity.

Further study

Ephesians 5:31

Galatians 3:28

Golden Nugget

Paul speaks of a mystery where the husband is Christ and the church is the bride. So if he calls you a woman it only presupposes that you are still young and have not come to full maturity yet.


Father God, I thank you for this revelation of your truth, I live in humility and without segregation of anyone for where they are because I know that you can raise and use anyone, use me God as my heart is laid before you today. Amen.


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