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His Riches

Ephesians 3:16 [16]That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; *His riches* The word there used for riches is the same word used when the Bible speaks of material possessions in Matthew 13:22. The law of first mention is important to apply here. When the Bible speaks of the riches of his glory you have to understand that it's not only something that's spiritual and for heaven. In Timothy Paul tells us that godliness has promise for the life that now is and that which is to come. God wants you to live a perfect life on this earth. Not only a good or acceptable one. He wants you to live a perfect life that completely shows God in the flesh. The bible tells us that Jesus was the example and the first born among many brethren. The man you serve walks with five thousand men and is not worried about feeding them. God wants you to be rich now, he wants you to be happy now. He says his people are called a joy. You're not to live just a good life because that may conform your mind to having a nice car, studying and being healthy only. You're to live the God life. Living far beyond yourself. Not only being healthy but giving men health. Not only being wealthy but making men wealthy because unlike them your source is eternal. You're not subject to the seasons of this world. You're a source in the name of Jesus. Further study. 1Timothy 6:6 1Timothy 4:8 Golden Nugget God wants you to be rich now, he wants you to be happy now. He says his people are called a joy. You're not subject to the seasons of this world. You're a source in the name of Jesus. Prayer. Loving father,thank you for making me sufficient in all things. Thank you for blessing me eternally and calling me by your name. I'm full of grace to be a blessing in my generation. I am rich for the kingdom of God. I'm a source for I know God. Amen. zōēé Amen

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