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Heaven My Source

James 5:18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.

The rain coming down caused the earth to bear fruit. Scripture speaks of God sending the early rains and latter rains. It also speaks of God pouring out his spirit unto us. Just as rain waters the earth and causes her to bring forth fruit, even so are we.

The principle is, no spirit can function on the earth without a body. Spirits cannot even communicate to bodies, without bodies. As in a spirit needs a body in order to operate on the earth. You may ask what of people tormented by demons "How are they being tormented if spirits cannot speak unless through a body? The thing is that those people are the very bodies, the spirits use to speak to them. That is why you realize that the mind is very powerful.

Now we know that the world is fallen, but the Bible says in the last days I shall pour out my spirit on all flesh. That means now you can manifest and bring out what is inside you to the physical realm.

The Bible speaks of the parable of the sower. The ground being your heart, the seed being the word of God. God has poured out His spirit upon you and so you bear fruit that is from above. The Bible says God's, his divine way of life stays in you; the new creation of Christ

The Bible speaks of us ever being fresh. He speaks of his waves and billows going over us. You realize he said that "Out of you will flow rivers of living water." This water isn't just for others but it is for you as well. You cannot refresh others without being refreshed as well.

Wine makes merry and this wine is the spirit of God. When he fills you he makes you merry. But then again more than just you being born again you realize that God conceals a matter and its the glory of a king to search it out. God has soo much for you in his presence if you learn to continually or consistently and persistently seek God you will see the greatest experiences happen to you

"Sow to the spirit and reap thereof"

Further study

Luke 8:11

Joel 2:8

Acts 2:17


Thank you lord for your spirit that has been poured out on me. Im filled and I overflow. Heaven is my source and I am conscious of that for faith is an eternal experience. Amen

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