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God's Mind Towards Salvation II

Luke 1:77

[77]To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins,

Salvation is more than just not having sin. Salvation is a life, literally. We are to have knowledge of the life that is of God. That's true salvation. When a man knows the life that's in God and in him. When you realise that your sins have been forgiven and you carry the life of God in you.

Remember Jesus said,... I am come that they may have life, and life abundantly. God's mind is for you to know him. And you cannot know him if you're a sinner because sin distorts relationship. God dealt with sin totally by his blood.

So now you're to only accept that life and that word in you. He brings life and invites you unto it. God doesn't force. The Bible says "the spirit which you have received, this spirit is received. It's not forced upon you. God doesn't manipulate man. He loves us.

God looks at inviting us into relationship with him, not forcing it on us. That's made possible entirely by what Christ did at the cross and not on our own effort. Wholly the grace of God.


Further study

Romans 8:5

Isaiah 43:25


Thank you God for inviting us into the highest degree of your presence. Thank you for calling us out of darkness into your marvelous light. We know you. Every other day we shine brighter and Brighter. Amen.

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