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God's Mind Towards Salvation

John 3:17

[17]For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

God's mind towards salvation for man isn't something that man has to work for. It is a finished work that man has to receive. Remember the scripture says , as I swore in my wrath, non shall enter my rest, so this life is a rest that's entered. A finished work that's to be received.

In the same chapter of John it speaks of everything coming from heaven, being received. As in God has blessed you but will you allow that to be your reality?

Will you tune your receivers to heaven is the question?

You're not going to attain righteousness by works, then no you cannot attain anything in the life of God by works. Only by faith, which faith is for you to walk in what is finished.

The blood finished it all, now it's your testimony to hold on to what's finished.

There's not one good thing that God is going to keep from you. He has given you himself.


Further study

Isaiah 43:25

Hebrews 4:1


Loving father thank you for bringing us into the realisation that salvation is a finished work. We don't struggle but we are more than conquerors to you glory.


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