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1 Thess.5.17 Be unceasing in prayer [praying perseveringly]; (AMP)

The reason Paul instructs us to pray without ceasing is because in such a place and lifestyle there is no way you can miss the calling of God or divine appointments. It is not about the time (chronos) of the day that you pray, it is about you carrying a consistent life of prayer. Remember how Peter meditated on his vision in Simon the tanner's house then God spoke to him concerning going to Cornelius' household.

In prayer, God positions you. Remember we have received the spirit of grace and supplication, the message version calls it the spirit of grace and prayer. So God gives you his spirit that mantles you and strengthens you to pray that when the time and appointment comes, you are ready.

We learn from Isaiah, he was one day in prayer and he is caught in a realm where he hears the Father ask, "whom shall We send?" His response made him the man that we know today. Isaiah did not do all that he did only because he was a prophet, he did all that because he was available.

The calling is important because it directs you, but like any talent if it is not responded to by being available you will not fulfill all the will of God for your life. Go beyond calling and gift walk in a realm higher. A realm of assignment. This is accessed by continued fervent prayer.

Further study.

Zechariah 12:10

Acts 10:19

Golden Nugget

There are instructions that can only come to positioned men, because there are things you cannot seek but only be found by.


Father God, I thank you for this understanding that I have received today, I know your grace mantles me and enables me to stand in prayer. From today I choose to be broken and contrite before you for these are the sacrifices that you desire. In my lord and saviour Jesus Christ's name I have prayed and believed.



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