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Freedom In Christ

Romans 8:1

[1]THEREFORE, [there is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit. [John 3:18.]

The Bible tells us we who are in Christ are free from all guilt and condemnation.

That means for every child of God there's no guilty verdict but only innocent.

God doesn't see any born again believer as a sinner even if this brother or sister may have a few weaknesses here and there. God sees them as his righteousness in Christ.

Once you are born again you adopt a new nature. A nature that doesn't know sin. It's like telling a man who doesn't know how to drive a car that they shouldn't drive a car.

It's just not possible.

So even you. The seed with which you have been born doesn't know sin and therefore cannot be corrupted with it.

Move in the consciousness and rightful confession of the life which you now live in Christ.

Further study.

Romans 5:8

Romans 6:1


Lord thank you for making me free from all sin. Thank you foe giving me a new nature. Thank you for I walk in the consciousness of your presence in my life. I am showing forth your glory everyday.


@Zoe devotional

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