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Romans 8:1

[1]There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

The scripture tells us there is no condemnation and that is true. There's no condemnation to those of us in Christ. Now without condemnation, guilt is removed as well because there is no memory of the past.

The thing with a guilt conscience is that it submits you to your past and therein is the mistake. Paul said we stopped trying to attain a righteousness by moral striving because it always pointed us to ourselves and our weaknesses.

The righteousness which we have attained in Christ is one that is imputed hence we cannot lose it. When I say we cannot lose it I know there's a brother out there wondering what about those that backslid or what about those that the Bible speaks of fell from grace.

You see the truth is, they did not lose it but they gave it up. The Bible speaks of how Demus left Paul for the love of this present word. Titus too left Paul but they gave it up. They didn't lose it by accident, they said we do not want this anymore.

Now if you're wondering how do I keep myself from being like those who give it up simple.

Lay hold unto Jesus the author and the finisher of your faith who will present you to God unblemished.

Christ's sacrifice for you is the very one that gives you boldness to walk into God's presence as a righteous son not a slave trying to attain righteousness.

Further study

Romans 5:8-10(MSG)

Hebrew 9:15(MSG)

Golden Nugget

Hebrews 3:15

[15]While it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation.


Loving God thank you for this that you've revealed for the revealed things are for us and our children. I thank you for we are confined to your image to the glory of your name.


@zoe' devotional

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