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Faith + Grace

Titus 2:11 says; Grace has appeared bringing salvation for all people. So I want to show you something in grace. John 3:16. Jesus came to save the world not one man, one nation, but for all people And grace didn't come with nothing. Grace came with salvation as a gift. So since grace is undeserved love and Jesus said there is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his friends. So Jesus being our undeserved love gave us his salvation at the cross all our iniquity was put upon him. this man, this God in flesh himself was righteous in that even when he was man he sinned not and had his righteousness given to us willingly. So look at this grace is all God has put up for you to get and your response to this grace is faith. Many times people come to men and women of God saying just pray for me Sir/Madam. Others be like Musumba ntasa. But then when they are asked don't you know by his stripes you were healed they give a look of sadness saying yes. Then there asked so why aren't you okay. Or why such a confession and reply very humbly "I don't know". Do you think God's grace isn't enough? This is what I'm trying to point out; the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Have you ever wondered what the fear of God is? This is the acknowledgement of Him as God and realizing that there's nothing bigger than Him. When you realize or understand fully and completely who God is then what is holding you back. There are men in the Bible whose relationship with God can throw you in a loophole. How? Look at Elijah; this guy gave the prophets of Baal ideas on how to make their god respond. That kind of faith is like precious as that of Peter whereby you know [2Corinthians 12:19] that His grace is sufficient. He never lets his word touch the ground and there is not one good thing as the prophet Elijah says he has spoken over my life and has failed to pass. Now you know God doesn't disappoint but it is you. Faith doesn't get God to do anything but its a response to Him. How do you respond to His grace. Not situation but His grace. He gave the Israelites an instruction of looking at the bronze snake when they were bitten by a snake and that didn't make snake bites stop but what did it do? It showed them that in anything look towards God.

How do you respond to God?

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