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Heb.11.1 - The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see.

Heb.11.2 - The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd.

Faith is the handle on what we don't see because it's already created. It's already there. It may not have a firm yet but it's there. The physical world is a reflection of the spiritual world. Once you create something, once you frame your world it's so.

Our God is the God of yes and amen. So if you're truly holding on to his word you must see it all come to pass in the physical.

The joy we carry in patience is that hope makes not ashamed. Hope is on the basis of his word. He's set his word above himself, so we carry the assurance that he's going to do whatever he's spoken. If it's of health, he accomplished it at the cross.

The faith we now carry isn't waiting for God to do it but patiently beholding what he's done in joy to bring it into manifestation.

It doesn't matter whether the world looks at you like crazy.

If you've believed. Hold on to your faith because it's our faith that overcomes the world.

Further study.

1John 5:4

1 Peter 2:23

John 16:33


Lord God thank you that you're word instills faith in us for its entrance brings light and gives understanding to the simple. We carry your mind and see as you see. To the glory of your name.


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