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[23]Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

The naming of Jesus Christ was speaking into his eternal destiny and purpose on the earth. He came to be God with us, literally he introduced us into a place where God is not far from us anymore because of our sin by his death and resurrection.

So the day you believe on Jesus as your personal Lord and saviour you now have God with you, He will not leave you because of anything because Christ the Messiah dealt with all that could separate you from God.

As a believer you should understand that inside of you is God, you are one with Him and it is the free gift of God by Jesus Christ. In Isaiah he says to us a child is born and a son is given, not bought, not earned, not prayed for but given.

Everytime you doubt God's presence in your life I want you to remember Jesus is called Emmanuel, God with us, meaning everything He came to do was simply to make you and I come to know God intimately and be acquainted with him without anything separating us.

Further study

Isaiah 9:6

Hebrews 13:5

Further study

Everytime you doubt God's presence in your life I want you to remember Jesus is called Emmanuel, God with us, meaning everything He came to do was simply to make you and I come to know God intimately and be acquainted with him without anything separating us.


Loving father, thank you for your kindness shown to me, thank you for Jesus that through him I know you, I'm glad that this life I have is not bought by perishable things such as food but by the precious blood of Jesus and I know that nothing can separate me from the love of God in Jesus name amen.


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