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Exodus 6:3

[3]And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.

The Hebrew word for how God appeared unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is all sufficient. God appeared to them as the God that is all sufficient, he is all powerful, he is all-mighty.

He gives a distinction on how he has revealed himself to the three patriarchs and how he has revealed himself to Moses. This is why he is called the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The distinction in revelation they carried of his all sufficiency is what made them different.

Abraham multiplied, he was fruitful and he had an inheritance. That which is of the lord for we are his very own children. The same with Isaac, and same with Jacob. Abraham was a son of delay, but he met the all sufficient God that no matter where he begins from with you. He will accomplish.

This is why you should be confident that whatever he has began in you. He will accomplish. Whatever he has spoken in his word to do. He is faithful to see to the end in manifestation because he has already seen it spiritually. For he sees the end from the beginning.

Further study.

Zechariah 4:10(MSG)

Revelation 1:8

Golden Nugget

This is why you should be confident that whatever he has began in you. He will accomplish. Whatever he has spoken in his word to do.


Loving father thank you for you are sufficient for me. For more than enough. I am full and overflow because of you El shadai.


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