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Dwelling In The Presence III

Psalms 16:10-11

[10]For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.

[11]Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

When you became born again your spirit was made new. The real you is one with God, perfect spotless righteousness. But your soul needs to be renewed, by soul I mean your mind. Your mind as Jesus tells us needs to be renewed daily, aligned simply to the spirit man in you. And your body will thence agree with the two because in the testimony of two or three witnesses every word is established.

That means as a child of God even if you put yourself in the worst situation, God will still not leave you nor forsake you. No matter how bad you messed up. Apostle Grace always says *You can lose everything but never leave the presence.*

God has made it clear that he won't walk out on you, but if you walked out then he won't force you to stay. Cain walked out, God didn't chase him. He shows you the path of life, that path which no Fowl knoweth. That path is Christ, he's the way, he's the truth and the life, literally God has availed himself to you completely by Jesus Christ.

He's made himself availablee in all ways.

When David was writing he said God can't let his holy one see corruption, even if it's self inflicted because of an unrenewed mind and training of the flesh. He will still get you out.

The scripture tells us, when we were of no use to him, he gave us Christ. He came for us.

Learn to continually dwell in the presence of God, continually align your mind to the truth that he cannot leave you, nor forsake you. You're his very own child. You're living in unbroken fellowship with the father.


*Further study*

Job 28:7

Romans 5:8 MSG


Loving father thank you that you love us. Thank you for giving your nature. Directing out very being, thank you that even in the times we get into trouble self inflictedly, you're faithful and you deliver us for your sake. Amen.


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