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Dwelling In The Presence II

Psalms 16:11

[11]Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

The scripture tells us that at his right hand there are pleasures forever more, meaning there's ever something to please you in God. The Bible says wine makes the heart merry. God wants your heart merry, full of joy that no man can take from you. He will always provide the greatest pleasures in him. Those that stir up the most holy emotions, yes.

Understand that God will always have something for you to find pleasure in. One time a sister shared with me of how someone asked her "isn't salvation boring? I never see you people go to club and have fun like everybody else."

But you see salvation is a life of purpose, it's not in a way for a man to know his ways, no it's not. We are led by the spirit of God and you must understand that his wisdom and pleasure is totally different from what the world considers to be wisdom and pleasure. It's on a higher level, way further.

You were put on the earth for a purpose, you weren't a mistake, God thought of you and planned for you in all ways. So when you're here on the earth, you know that God has a purpose, he has an assignment for you; his very own vision for your life. That means you cannot lack what to do. You will always have what to do here because God isn't shocked or moved my anything. And in the knowledge that you will always have what to do carry the understanding that there's always pleasure.

As Apostle Grace says, *there's nothing fulfilling like understanding your course, numbering your days and applying your heart to wisdom*.


*Further study*

Revelation 1:8

Hebrews 13:20-21


Lord God thank you for giving us purpose, thank you that nothing shocks you but all things are naked and made manifest before you. We behold your truth and walk in the knowledge of who we really are in this world. With pleasure in all things we do. Amen.


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