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Dwelling In The Presence

Psalms 16:11

[11]Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Our theme scripture tells us that in the presence of God there is the fullness of joy. In our times men and women are seen suffering from depression, all sorts of mental illnesses and ailments. It's because men haven't dwelt in the presence of God.

In his presence you'll have the deepest joy, joy that noman expects you to have. Joy that's just crazy, that's the kind of joy whereby you have it and men wonder why you have it. When everything seems to be going against you and you still carry the joy of the holy Spirit.

Jesus said my joy no man takes from you. Literally he gave us his joy and that's now our joy. That we are one with the father.

It doesn't matter what the world throws at you. You're always joyful because you dwell in the secret place. The presence of God invited you, come boldly and receive Grace to help in time of need.

With God for you, who can be against you?

Learn to dwell in the fullness of joy in the person of Christ Jesus.


*Further study*

John 16:22

Romans 8:31


Loving father, thank you for giving me Jesus. My reason to smile. I'm full of joy because I dwell in the presence all the days of my life, amen.


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