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Be of Good Cheer

_John 16:33_ _...In the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world._ What an assurance from Jesus! Think about it for a second. Regardless of what challenge or trial you or I face in the days to come, Christ declared that our correct position of faith is to “be of good cheer” because He has overcome it already! These are the benefits of the God kind. In Greek, the word tribulation is the word thlipsis, a word that describes distress, affliction, or trouble that is very intense. Jesus declared that He had overcome all of these. By using this word, Jesus recognized that times would not always be easy for those who choose to follow Him. Yet regardless of what the world or the devil triesto throw at you, Christ soundly declared and still declares today, “... But be of good cheer; I have overcome the world!” So instead of letting the devil discourage you with thoughts that there is no hope or that you cannot overcome the struggles that seem to be attacking you from every side, grab hold of the truth and declare that Jesus is with you and that you are coming out of any tough situation rejoicing! *DECLARATION* My heart is full of joy because I understand the assurance of Christ. I have already overcome the world through him, there is nothing to fear in Jesus Name! I am of GOOD CHEER! FURTHER STUDY Joshua 1:9 © Zoe Devotional

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